Viking Symbols

Mjolnir Symbol
Mjölnir (Icelandic; from Old Norse Mjǫllnir, meaning "lightning") is the name of a war hammer in Norse mythology, which is the magical weapon of the god Thor, with which he...
Mjolnir Symbol
Mjölnir (Icelandic; from Old Norse Mjǫllnir, meaning "lightning") is the name of a war hammer in Norse mythology, which is...

The Vegvísir (Icelandic for signpost) is a symbol that comes from the Icelandic magic tradition of the Galdrastafir. As a symbol it can be found in the Huld manuscript from...

The Aegishjalmur (Old Norse; Aegishiálmr) is an object from Norse mythology that is mentioned in the Edda. The name is composed of the Old Norse word Aegis (Old High German...
The Aegishjalmur (Old Norse; Aegishiálmr) is an object from Norse mythology that is mentioned in the Edda. The name is...

Runes Meaning
The runic alphabet or futhark - a term formed from the name of its first six letters, ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ - is an alphabet that was used...
Runes Meaning
The runic alphabet or futhark - a term formed from the name of its first six letters, ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ...

Valknut Symbol Meaning
The valknut, "knot of the slain" in Old Norse, from valr, "slain warriors" and knut, "knot", is a figure composed of three intertwined triangles. Although the age of its name...
Valknut Symbol Meaning
The valknut, "knot of the slain" in Old Norse, from valr, "slain warriors" and knut, "knot", is a figure composed...