Viking History

Knights Templar and Vikings: Voyage to America?
Knights Templar and Viking Knowledge: A Secret Voyage to North America? The Knights Templar and the Vikings are two of history's most enigmatic and fascinating groups. While they lived in...
Knights Templar and Vikings: Voyage to America?
Knights Templar and Viking Knowledge: A Secret Voyage to North America? The Knights Templar and the Vikings are two of...

The Viking Crusader
King Sigurd I of Norway: The Viking Crusader One of the most remarkable episodes of the Crusading era involves King Sigurd I of Norway, often called "Sigurd the Crusader." His...
The Viking Crusader
King Sigurd I of Norway: The Viking Crusader One of the most remarkable episodes of the Crusading era involves King...

Vikings and the Knights Templar
Vikings and the Knights Templar: Myth, Mystery, and Medieval RealityThe Viking Age and the era of the Knights Templar belong to distinct periods in medieval history, yet the connection between...
Vikings and the Knights Templar
Vikings and the Knights Templar: Myth, Mystery, and Medieval RealityThe Viking Age and the era of the Knights Templar belong...

Vikings in the Crusades
Vikings in the Crusades: Norse Warriors in a New Arena The Vikings are often remembered as seafaring raiders, traders, and settlers who dominated Northern Europe from the late 8th to...
Vikings in the Crusades
Vikings in the Crusades: Norse Warriors in a New Arena The Vikings are often remembered as seafaring raiders, traders, and...

Seidr (Old Norse: seiðr) is type of ancient sorcery or witchcraft that was practiced by the pagan Norsemen. The expression can also be used to refer to reconstructions of modern...

Leif Erikson
Leif Erikson (Norse: Leifr Eiríksson; Icelandic: Leifur Eiríksson), born around 970 in Eiríksstaðir in Iceland and died around 1020 probably in Greenland, was an Icelandic explorer. He is one of...
Leif Erikson
Leif Erikson (Norse: Leifr Eiríksson; Icelandic: Leifur Eiríksson), born around 970 in Eiríksstaðir in Iceland and died around 1020 probably...

Harald Hardrada
Harald, son of Sigurd (known in Norway as Harald Hardrada; Harald Sigurdsson; in Old Norse: Haraldr Sigurðarson)). He received the nickname of Hardråde (harðráði, literally "the Hard" or "the Hard...
Harald Hardrada
Harald, son of Sigurd (known in Norway as Harald Hardrada; Harald Sigurdsson; in Old Norse: Haraldr Sigurðarson)). He received the...

Ubbe Ragnarsson
Ubbe Ragnarsson, (d. 878) was a Norse warlord during the Viking Age. Ubbe Ragnarsson was one of the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok, and, along with his brothers Halfdan and Ivar...
Ubbe Ragnarsson
Ubbe Ragnarsson, (d. 878) was a Norse warlord during the Viking Age. Ubbe Ragnarsson was one of the sons of...