
In Norse mythology, the Bifröst (also Bilröst) is a fiery rainbow bridge linking Midgard (the world of men) and Asgard (the realm of the gods). The bridge is mentioned as...

Helheim is known as the realm of death and is located in the deepest, darkest and gloomy part of Niflheim, one of the nine worlds of Yggdrasil, in Norse mythology.It...

In Norse mythology, Svartalfheim is the realm of the Dark Elves (Svartalfar), as opposed to the Light Elves residing in Alfheim. It is sometimes confused with Nidavellir, realm of the...
In Norse mythology, Svartalfheim is the realm of the Dark Elves (Svartalfar), as opposed to the Light Elves residing in...

In Norse mythology, Álfheim ("world of the Elves", "land of the Elves" in Old Norse), Alfheim, Ljösalfheim, or even Lightalfheim designates two distinct places: one of the nine worlds or...

Muspelheim, also called Muspel (from Old Norse Múspellsheimr and Múspell, respectively), is the realm of fire in Norse mythology. It is the home of the Fire Giants, of whom Surt...
Muspelheim, also called Muspel (from Old Norse Múspellsheimr and Múspell, respectively), is the realm of fire in Norse mythology. It...

Niflheim - also called Niflheimr, Neiflheim, Niflheimur, Nibelheim or Nebelheim ("world of mist" or "world of darkness") - is an icy world in Norse mythology. It is located in the...

Jötunheim is the world of the giants (of two types: Rock and Ice, collectively called jötnar, singular jötunn) in Norse mythology. From there they threaten the humans of Midgard and...

Vanaheim or Vanaheimr is the home of the Vanir, one of the two god clans in Norse mythology apart from the Aesir. The name appears in Snorri Sturluson's saga of...

Asgard | Norse Mythology
In Norse mythology, Asgard (from Old Norse Ásgarðr, 'enclosure of the Aesir') is the realm of the Aesir, ruled by Odin and his wife Frigg. Within Asgard, Valhalla is located.It...
Asgard | Norse Mythology
In Norse mythology, Asgard (from Old Norse Ásgarðr, 'enclosure of the Aesir') is the realm of the Aesir, ruled by...