Viking History

Odinism is a Germanic neo-pagan reconstructionist religious organization, which proclaims the practice of a form of neo-paganism whose supreme deity of the Norse pantheon is Odin, focused on Norse paganism, Germanic...

Erik the Red
Erik the Red (Norse: Eiríkr Rauði) (circa 950 to 1003 or circa 940 to 1010) was a Norwegian explorer. His name was Eirikr Thorvaldson (Eiríkr Þorvaldsson), but his contemporaries called...
Erik the Red
Erik the Red (Norse: Eiríkr Rauði) (circa 950 to 1003 or circa 940 to 1010) was a Norwegian explorer. His...

Uppsala, is a city in Sweden located 70 km north of Stockholm, in Uppland, famous for its prestigious university, the oldest in one Scandinavia. With about 200,000 inhabitants in the...

Hedeby was an important settlement of Vikings from Denmark and Varangians from Sweden, located in southern Denmark, near the Carolingian border. It was a city in the early Middle Ages...

Asatru is a movement within Norse and Germanic native faith, based on beliefs contained in Norse mythology, whose world of gods is represented by the two dynasties of Aesir and...

Viking Berserker
The berserker (in Old Norse berserkr, plural berserkir) refers to a stealth warrior who goes into a sacred fury (in Old Norse berserksgangr, "walk, pace of the fierce warrior") making...
Viking Berserker
The berserker (in Old Norse berserkr, plural berserkir) refers to a stealth warrior who goes into a sacred fury (in...

Varangian Guard
The Varangian Guard is the name by which Scandinavian and Germanic mercenaries (Vikings) who served in the Byzantine army from the 10th to the 14th century are known.The phrase is first...
Varangian Guard
The Varangian Guard is the name by which Scandinavian and Germanic mercenaries (Vikings) who served in the Byzantine army from the...