Norse Mythology


Bragi | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Bragi is a deity of the Norse pantheon, son of Odin and the giantess Gunlod (or Odin and Frigg according to other versions). He is the god of poetry and...

Bragi | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Bragi is a deity of the Norse pantheon, son of Odin and the giantess Gunlod (or Odin and Frigg according...

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Vidar | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Vidar (also Widar, Icelandic Viðar - "the one who rules far and wide") is in the Nordic mythology a god of the deity of the Aesir. He is a son...

Vidar | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Vidar (also Widar, Icelandic Viðar - "the one who rules far and wide") is in the Nordic mythology a god...

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Tyrfing | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

In Norse mythology, Tyrfing, Tirving or Tyrving (whose name is potentially related to the Thervings) was a magical sword mentioned in the Tyrfing cycle, which contains a poem from the...

Tyrfing | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

In Norse mythology, Tyrfing, Tirving or Tyrving (whose name is potentially related to the Thervings) was a magical sword mentioned...

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Hlidskjalf | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

In Norse mythology, Hlidskjalf (Old Norse: Hliðskjálf) is the hásæti (the "seat of honor"), Odin's throne that allows him to see over the nine worlds.In Grímnismál, Odín and Frigg are...

Hlidskjalf | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

In Norse mythology, Hlidskjalf (Old Norse: Hliðskjálf) is the hásæti (the "seat of honor"), Odin's throne that allows him to...

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Gungnir | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Gungnir or Gungner was Odin's spear. The word means the production of a violent trembling or shaking, as it supposedly shook vividly anyone who was struck by it. According to...

Gungnir | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Gungnir or Gungner was Odin's spear. The word means the production of a violent trembling or shaking, as it supposedly...

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Brisingamen Necklace | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

In Norse mythology, the necklace of Brísingamen or Brísinghamen in Old Norse is the necklace of the goddess Freya. Etymology of Brisingamen  The suffix "men" means "necklace"; the Brísingar have not...

Brisingamen Necklace | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

In Norse mythology, the necklace of Brísingamen or Brísinghamen in Old Norse is the necklace of the goddess Freya. Etymology...

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Draupnir | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

The Draupnir ring was an inexhaustible source of wealth: every nine nights, eight more rings would come out of it, all identical (except for their inability to produce more of...

Draupnir | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

The Draupnir ring was an inexhaustible source of wealth: every nine nights, eight more rings would come out of it,...

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Skoll and Hati | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Skoll and Hati are two wolves in Norse mythology that chases the sun and the moon (Sol and Mani). The origin of the name Skoll is given in literature as...

Skoll and Hati | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Skoll and Hati are two wolves in Norse mythology that chases the sun and the moon (Sol and Mani). The...

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Garm | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Garm is associated with the end times prophecy in Norse mythology. Ancient influences of the hellhound Cerberus may have played a role.Garm is the hound of the goddess of the...

Garm | Norse Mythology

Oliver C

Garm is associated with the end times prophecy in Norse mythology. Ancient influences of the hellhound Cerberus may have played...

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